2013年1月29日 星期二

sleep and asleep

Bob may still be sleeping.    vi
Bob might still be sleeping.  vi
Bob may still be asleep.      adj
Bob might still be asleep.    adj

He seems to be fast asleep.
他好像睡得很熟。 adj

He was still sleeping when I went in.
我走進去時他還在睡覺。  vi

I slept very badly last night.
昨天夜裡我睡得很不好。 vi

The whole village was sleeping.
整個村莊一片寂靜。 vi

She hoped to sleep off her headache.
她希望睡一覺後頭痛會好。 vt

How many guests can the motel sleep?
這家汽車旅館可供多少客人住宿? vt

It seems that you haven't got enough sleep.

He went to his final sleep. 他長眠了. N.


When I woke my left arm was asleep.
我醒來時我的左臂麻木了。  adj
Her mind was asleep.
她的頭腦停頓了。  adj
She is asleep to the danger.
她對危險缺乏警覺。 adj

